Thursday, May 13, 2010

Morgan Monster is 6 months old today!

Wow! Where has the time gone? It seems like only yesterday that I was headed to the birthing center because little miss Morgan was telling us that it was time for her to make her debut! I made sure that I wrote down the events of the day she was born, I will have to blog about that all in itself one day. But wow! It's been an amazing journey... Becoming pregnant and going through natural childbirth is truly an amazing experience and I feel grateful to have been able to do it. She amazes me everyday with what she's learning, not only from us but on her own! It's as if children have an internal timer, when they are ready to display a new ability, it just happens, out of nowhere!

I work full time at the moment, and don't have much free time for my blog. I like to spend what free time I do have, aside from working and taking care of household chores, to spend time with her. Sometimes we play tickle monster, sometimes we just sit and "chat", and others I sit and just watch her. She's rolling over like a pro now. She wakes herself up because she's rolled over from her back to her tummy! She's babbling now, mamama and bababa.

I am going Sunday to get her 6 month pictures done. :) I'm so excited! My little girl is growing up fast so I had better freeze this moment in time. I will post the pictures when they come in.

Thanks for stopping in and reading about us!

<3 EMarie

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Reviving yourself

I'm just in the midst of coming out of some strange funk. I can't explain it really. I just found myself in this state of mind one day and didn't really feel like myself. Have you ever experienced this? It's part of life, I know, but sometimes getting out of a funk is not easy. Since doing some personal changes; ie getting a spiffy new hair do, and making some decisions about the future, I feel renewed in a sense. I have a new ambition to flaunt my talents, tastefully mind you. :) I also have a beautiful almost 6 month old daughter. She brings new perspectives to everyday life. I am excited about leaving work to see her and to see what new thing she's started doing, or not, and to give her hugs and kisses! She's amazing!

                                                                        Josh MacPhee-Rebirth

I think it's time to throw a little bit of my originality out in to the world. In the words of Marcus Aurelius, The universe is change: our life is what our thoughts make it. I've made a few changes, now it's time to share my thoughts and ideas with mankind.

<3 EMarie

Monday, May 3, 2010

Poo Troubles

We are still battling constipation! She does good for a week and then wham, poor Monster gets it again. Grr! Since switching her from breastmilk to soy formula, this has been a constant battle. She's also eating first foods which has changed the purpose of her digestive system. She seems to be in a good mood, but struggles to "go" sometimes, and frankly it sucks!! Everything I have read and heard, formula will cause constipation. It's basically just a waiting game for her system to work it all out. Honestly, I'm ready!

<3 EMarie