Monday, March 22, 2010

Wink Flash 5 Cent 4 X 6 photos!

I have recently discovered WinkFlash. They are running a great sale on 4 X 6 prints, only 5 cents each when you used their coupon code 510PRINTS. Hurry and act now, offer ends on March 31st!

 Happy Picture Printing!

<3 EMarie

Learning your baby

As a new mom, you never really know what you are getting with your new bundle of joy. They could be calm, colic, active, alert, not so active, sleepy, cranky, happy. The list goes on! No matter what type of baby you have, you have to "learn" your baby.

When you first bring baby home, some parents are terrified, excited, nervous, happy, depressed and proud, to name a few emotions. The first few months are all about learning. Learning what your baby's cries mean, your baby's temperament, habits, comforts and dislikes. YES even a 2 month old has dislikes, atleast mine did!

I have had 4 months of learning so far. And I must say, I've been an attentive pupil of baby learning. So far I have found out that  Morgan LOVES to stand, gripe, loves things that light up, loves the baby channel (and some other channels we watch), LOVES bath time, finally sleeps in her crib (figured out she was gassy), is the star of the show when we go places, loves breastfeeding, hates when I trim her nails, doesn't like to change clothes, has diaper explosions daily, loves to stomp, loves to gnaw on our fingers, has discovered the mirror and loves it too. She's been a pretty easy going baby so far. Since "learning" her a bit more, life has become, well, easier! When I learn and figure out something new, it's like cracking a code! It feels awesome!

Oh, but the learning doesn't stop here. No matter how old they will get, they will still be your baby. There's years and years of learning to be done, well into adulthood. So Happy Baby Learning to all you parents out there! It's a gratifying, satisfying, frustrating and humbling adventure!

<3 EMarie

Monday, March 15, 2010

Work, work, work....

I'd rather be at home with my little monster!

<3 EMarie

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Ever wonder why we are here and what our mission is? I have always had this feeling, deep down, that we are all here for a reason. If only we had an answer to that aged old question. But then again, what would be the point in just knowing the answer, because I think the point to it all is to find out what it is. I don’t know if anyone really knows though. You can ask lots of people and they all will probably have a different answer. I really wish it were an easy answer though, like Deep Thought's answer of 42 from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. But even still, if you were to ask this question and get an answer like the number 42, I would still be baffled beyond measure and just go out and seek my own meaning of my own life! I do not believe in God, but I do believe that we are all connected somehow in the chaotic mess we call LIFE. Life has a way to make you humorous, humble, sad and loved; to name a few traits.

Is there an organization to it all, among all of the daily chaos of the world? Or is every action like a dandelion seed floating in the wind landing in a random spot when the wind stops? Will we ever know? I would hope so, one day.

<3 EMarie

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Got Milk?

Deciding to breast feed was a no brainer for me. I'm just glad that nature has let me continue with it. Some mothers run into issues with supply, latching issues or lifestyle conflicts. The first few weeks for me were tough. I needed to feed her every two hours to ensure that my supply would come in properly; plus breast milk digests quicker than formula, so she was hungry more often. When I started to have sore nipples, I started to question my ability to continue breast feeding, it was excruciating at times. I would cringe when she would latch on, thankfully that feeling goes away after a week or so. It's been smooth sailing from then till now. Morgan will be 4 months old on March 13th.

I returned back to work on February 1st and have been pumping at my desk. I must admit, the first time I had to pump at work was the weirdest feeling ever! To have to get my boobs out at work is something that I didn't think I will ever do, until I got preggo and decided to breast feed. I don't have any problems letting my co-workers know that I'm about to go pump. :) They all know that I pump now, and don't seem to have any problems with it at all. I didn't even really discuss it with my boss, I was going to pump, and if they had a problem, which they don't, then I would have had to quit. Luckily that didn't have to happen!

And with today's economy, breast milk is a free food for baby. Aside from maybe changing your diet to produce better milk, you really won't have to invest in any type of food for baby until about 4 to 6 months. I had to play around with my diet, because something I was eating was bothering Morgan. I think I figured out that it's dairy, so I eliminated dairy from my diet as much as possible, it was giving Morgan bad belly aches and gas. This doesn't mean she won't be able to eat dairy herself when she gets older. My hubby was the same way as a baby and he's fully grown out of it. My point in telling you this is you might have to adjust your diet according to baby's reaction to your milk. Some women decide that they don't want to change their diet, and switch to formula. This is perfectly fine! Formula babies turn out just as healthy as breast fed babies.

Breast feeding is an art. It takes some time to master. I had moments where I wasn't sure if I could handle it. It's very demanding because at first, you are your babies food source. Hubby couldn't help feed, so I had to get up every two hours and it felt like I was doing all the work, which I was, but there was no way around it for a little while. Once I started pumping and got Morgan to take a bottle, it became alot less stressful and more enjoyable to breast feed. Just knowing that my body can produce food for my child is an amazing feeling that I cherish. Because not every mother is able to nourish their babies with their breast milk for various reasons, and they should not feel guilty.

<3 EMarie

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Hello lovelies!

Well, this week has been a bit of a rough one so far. The past few nights Morgan has only wanted to sleep on me, all night. We are not to the point where we are going to be doing crib training yet. I am currently sleeping with her bedding pieces so we can start that soon. With the room being so new, I think she has trouble being comfortable in there. I will update once crib training starts. We'll see if sleeping with her bedding is going to pay off.

She tried peas for the first time last night and she loved them! I have sweet potatoes, pears and peaches to give to her in due time. I'm going to stick with peas for a few more nights and see how she does.

All in all, parenting has it's mountains to climb and it's wonderful special moments. The special moments far outweigh the mountains. The smiles and the laughter that is starting to show up in Morgan's personality is priceless. I have grown into a better person. I've gained patience and I definitely see the future in a whole different way. So here's to all the hard working parents out there, I raise a glass to you! A toast to all that you do!