Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Hello everyone!

It has been about 4 months since my last post and boy were they busy! We were working on Morgan's room getting ready for her arrival, getting ready for the baby shower and then I went into labor. Morgan Monster was born on Friday 11-13-09, Friday the 13th no doubt! She decided she wanted to join us a week early and it was a beautiful experience! She was born at Nativiti Birth Center in the Woodlands, TX. She is now approaching 7 weeks of age. Time flies! Here is a picture of our monster at Thanksgiving, so cute! Since her arrival I haven't gotten much done with EMarie Designs, but now that she's getting settled I am going to start working on it again. :) So look for new stuff in my Artfire Studio!
Stay cool, calm and collected! Tata for now!

<3 EMarie