Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Checking In

Hello Lovelies!

It's been a while since I last posted. I have been doing lots of brainstorming and experimenting with EMarie Designs. I have been selling more in my Artfire Studio, which is an awesome feeling! My sales have been of supplies, and not much of my own handmade items. I am currently gearing up to change that, hopefully! I purchased some polymer clay and will be getting a convection toaster oven very very soon! I'm sooo excited about using polymer clay! I was experimenting with airdry clay, but it is still limited in it's creative finesse, and I don't like that it shrinks up so much after drying. My muse is tapping her foot and waiting for me to start creating some awesome stuff! So I will leave you with that, thanks for stopping by and come back and visit soon! Don't forget to check my Artfire Studio !

<3 EMarie