Friday, April 23, 2010

Hello lovelies!

Wow, it's been several weeks since I have posted. Bad me! We've been trying to figure something out with Morgan's diet and have come to the conclusion that she is lactose intolerant. Her daddy was as a babe; he grew out of it. Hopefully she will too! So, we have switched her over to soy formula and she's doing much better now! I was disappointed that I didn't even make it to six months breastfeeding, but hey, atleast I was able to do it for a little over 5! I wanted to breastfeed up to her first birthday. Ah well, she's so much better off, and I'm happy now that Morgan is happier. :)

I am now engorged! I feel like someone has blown up balloons inside of my boobs! It's so uncomfortable, but, it could be worse! I just wonder how long this will last and when will the engorgement go down. I'm taking ibuprofen and have some cabbage chilling in the fridge at home for me to use tonight. :)

Morgan has been eating first foods for several weeks now, we gave her a jar of 2nd food chicken and brown rice this past week. She's pretty much sitting up on her own, she falls over every now and then, but has the hang of it for the most part. She can successfully maneuver things to her mouth by herself now. Yay! She's teething, not yay, she has her good days and bad.

We planted our garden this past weekend. 4 tomato plants, 2 bell pepper plants and some onions. Keeping the garden small this year.

That's about it for now folks! :) I have some new pictures of Monster and will post a few up soon.

TaTa for now!
<3 EMarie


  1. That happened with my first born son, and it gave him terrible colic. I ended up having to completely eliminate dairy from my diet to breast feed him. Talk about hard! PS I love the cool necklaces. Is that resin? You should totally do candy sprinkles! :) ~Cindy

  2. Ugh! I know what you mean, I tried to eliminate all dairy, and it was hard. I decided for peace of mind and her well being to just switch to Soy formula. :( Thanks about the necklaces, they are resin. I do have some candy sprinkles that I have purchased to use in the resin, I just haven't had much time lately to do much crafting. I almost decided to give it up completely, but I can't, it's too much a part of who I am now, I would be giving up a part of myself!
